Assessment Beyond Levels Conference

65 school leaders attended the MSA Spring 2016 conference on ‘Assessment Beyond Levels and Whole School Accountability’ presented by Stephen Anwyll at the Irish World Heritage Centre. During the session, Stephen took the delegates through  the implications of accountability measures, how new test and teacher assessments will work, how data can be used to raise attainment, recommendations for whole school action, necessary knowledge & skills, how leadership can develop a robust system, reporting to parents and transition to and from the primary phase.

The high attendance at the event reflected the continuing uncertainty around assessment across the city. Feedback from the event suggested that the clear and insightful presentation had given the school leaders a deeper understanding of the changes and more clarity around the new expectations. Many that attended confirmed that they were taking a lot of information and discussion points away with them and requested a copy of the presentation to share with SLT and other colleagues at school.

Thank you to Oxford University Press for sponsoring this event and to Stephen for his very informative presentation.