Update Briefings: Penalty Notices & Changes to Legislation

With a number of legislative changes due to come into effect on 1st September 2013 we thought it would be an opportune time to arrange briefings for schools on the changes we all need to implement before September and the revised protocols for the issuing of Penalty Notices. The Local Authority has issued Penalty Notices for poor school attendance since 2010 and during this time the processes have been reviewed and improved to support schools to address attendance concerns at an early stage. In order to continue this improvement and the support to schools we have arranged the sessions with the key officers at the Local Authority to; 

  • Discuss Manchester City Council’s Penalty Notice Protocol
  • Explain changes to legislation
  • Advise of MCC’s processes and partnership working with One Education
  • Support schools to set up own process in school
  • Discuss how and when to request a Penalty Notice
  • When the LA will issue a Penalty Notice
  • What happens if a penalty notice is paid
  • What happens if a penalty notice remains unpaid
  • Understanding schools commitment when requesting statutory action

The briefings are kindly being hosted by MSA colleagues as follows, please notify the relevant school contact if you plan to attend:

 Monday 1st July 9.00-11.00 – Lecture Theatre, Enterprise Academy 

School Contact: Marlene Skeffington m.skeffington@meacad.org.uk 493 1300 

Wednesday 3rd July 9.00-11.00 Conference Room, Whalley Range High

School Contact: Wendy  wbe@whalleyrange.manchester.sch.uk 860 2971 

Friday 5th July 9.00-11.00 – College Room, Communications Academy 

School Contact: Martin Roberts m.roberts@mca.manchester.sch.uk 202 0161