Following the considerable interest shown in the Code Clubs programme by attendees at the MSA Digital Futures event at the Town Hall earlier this month, we have arranged an information session on the evening of Thursday 11th July for you or a representative to come along and meet colleagues from the programme and find out more about how you can arrange a Code Club in your school.
For those of you not already aware of, or taking part in a Code Club, they are a nationwide network of free volunteer-led after-school sessions for children aged 9-11 where students work through a series of projects, teaching them about programming by showing them how to make computer games, animations and websites. In Manchester we have a growing number of primary schools and venues already running Code Clubs but we want to see more and to offer this great opportunity to more of our young people. The session on the 11th is aimed at those schools interested in starting a Code Club who want to know more about them and how to establish one. Our partners will talk you through how it works, what is involved and what to do next. If you have any questions please get in touch, otherwise to book your school a place at the session please go to
For those of you who weren’t able to join us at the conference, should you need any further persuading, there will be another chance to see the Banana Piano in action!