FFT for Governors- 10th January 2018

The FFT Governor Dashboard helps governors hold their school to account, support and challenge the leadership team and make more informed strategic decisions. It provides governors with an analysis of the main school performance indicators including attainment, achievement and a summary of strengths and weaknesses. It provides a chart showing the progress made by different pupil groups over 3 years including pupil premium pupils, a breakdown of school cohort by pupil groups and an analysis of attendance (by year group). Gary Limb, Education Adviser, came to Manchester on 10th January 2018 to provide an overview to 34 governors giving them a chance to view their school governor dashboard, look at how to analyse and interpret the data and the opportunity to discover how the dashboard can support their role. Feedback from the session was fantastic with general surprise in regards to how much information the dashboard provides and agreement that a lot was being taken away from the session.