Thursday 13th October 2016

1.30-3.30pm, Irish World Heritage Centre

The Read Manchester campaign is underway in the city with a full programme of events planned for the year. As part of the campaign, the National Literacy Trust are holding a series of network meetings in Manchester. The MSA is supporting the NLT with this by facilitating the first meeting in October. The meeting is aimed at Literacy Co-ordinators, Deputies and Headteachers and will focus on the ‘Read on, Get on’ paper, the outcomes of the recent NLT survey in Manchester with a overall picture of what reading looks like in Manchester. There will also be an opportunity for schools to sign up for a book bench which can be decorated by the children at your school. For more information, visit

This event is open to ALL Manchester schools. If you would like to attend this event or would like any further information about ‘Read Manchester’ please contact Lisa at admin@manchesterschoolsalliance