We are pleased to announce our upcoming primary heads conference ‘Manchester Together’ on the 29th & 30th September 2022 at Cottons Hotel & Spa. Please see the attached flyer. This is the first city wide primary residential in over 10 years and is open to all Manchester primary headteachers, principals and heads of school. Please find a copy of the flyer/ programme here.
Themes of the conference are wellbeing, reconnection and inspiration. We have some entertaining and inspirational speakers, some creative workshops and lots of informal opportunities to give you the space to consider your own wellbeing as well as to rebuild connections with colleagues that may have been lost over the last couple of years. We hope this will become and annual event with themes each year reflecting the priorities in the city.
There is a residential and a day delegate option. MSA member schools pay just for the residential element and get the full Friday conference for FREE. As one of the aims of is to bring all Manchester primary heads together, this is also open to non-MSA member schools at a cost. Residential places are limited so please book ASAP. Invoices will be sent out at the beginning of September and payment prior to the event will be required to secure the place.
To guarantee a residential place, please book here by Friday 22nd July. We can not guarantee that we will be able to offer any residential places if booked after this date.