The Road Ahead: Academies and the School-Led System 10th June 2016

54 headteachers, senior leaders and governors attended the Irish World Heritage Centre to hear the Regional Schools Commissioner, Vicky Beer, present ‘The Road Ahead: Academies and the School-Led System’ followed by Director of Education & Skills, John Edwards, discussing what the content of the RSC’s presentation may mean for Manchester. Each presentation was followed by time for table discussion and Q&A. Questions were asked around the role of the CEO, how the RSC plans to strategically manage bringing schools together, what the ‘Annual Healthcheck’ will look like and whether other structures such as federations can be considered.

Feedback from the event was positive with one delegate commenting that the session was ‘an insight into the national/ regional picture and the implications this has for our school’ and another commenting that the opportunity of table discussion was just as useful as the presentations themselves. Delegates were asked what future events they would like to see in relation to this topic and suggestions included existing local MATs sharing their experiences, looking at innovative MAT structures from around the country, looking at the role of the CEO and requirements of a trustee and a similar session but for heads and Chairs together.