Tuesday 28th November 2017
9.30am – 3.30pm
Chancellors Hotel, Chancellors Way, Fallowfield, M14 6NN
Headteachers and senior leaders from Manchester primaries and secondaries are invited to attend this 4-part training which will enable leaders to reflect on best practice and how to move towards excellent outcomes, teaching learning and assessment, leadership and management and excellent personal development for pupils.
The session will be delivered by Allan Torr was a headteacher for ten years in North Manchester and one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors for eleven years. As an HMI he was part of the national Ofsted training team and part of the quality assurance team. He has led highly-regarded training on how to improve mathematics and how to make sure the curriculum reflects the full range of diversity. He has helped primary and secondary schools across the North West to improve their provision and outcomes particularly in mathematics.
Places are limited so please book by emailing Lisa Jones ASAP at admin@manchesterschoolsalliance.co.uk.
MSA member places are subsidised at £75 for 1 place and £125 for 2 places (non-member places are £150 for 1/ £225 for 2)